Professional Development

Professional Development

Our custom-designed training sessions focus on increasing productivity at the individual and team level.  Whatever your need, we tailor programs that increase productivity and your bottom-line.

Examples of our workshops include:

Coaching 101 – The Basics

This program provides team leaders, supervisors and managers with the hands-on communication, coaching, performance management and feedback delivery skills that are essential to developing highly productive individuals and establishing high performing teams.

Interpersonal Awareness

The take-away from this thought provoking session is a better understanding of what makes you ‘go’; as well as a much better understanding of what makes others ‘go’.  Whether interacting with subordinates, bosses or colleagues, interpersonal awareness is a key component of identifying the right motivational and functional drivers for success in your work place. SEW instructor’s experience and certification in various personality profile instruments equip them with tools that add significantly to this learning experience.

Our experts have the skills to help you identify areas for development that will benefit the individual, the team, and your business.